Who are we ?
The Covid-19 crisis has revealed many problems
In Marseille, the image of these dozens of cruise ships inactive but operating at full capacity was the last straw. We, collectives and citizens of the Marseille region and elsewhere, united under STOP CROISIÈRES, have decided to put an end to this disastrous industry, a relic from another world.
In Marseille, breathing prematurely kills 2,500 people per year
“In Marseille and its region, breathing prematurely kills 2,500 people per year” was written on the Extinction Rebellion activist signs in front of the town hall in 2019. A slogan taken up by a resident of Estaque, on the front line of this daily pollution, who launched the “Breathe Kills” petition in order to strengthen the fight against these ogres of the seas and coasts that are cruise ships, already in the crosshairs of Marseille environmental associations.
Put an end to a polluting and useless aberrant industry
At the same time, Form 10 ― the 3rd largest ship repair yard in the world ― welcomed the largest cruise ship in the world. Our astonishment at its size and at the list, completely aberrant in the current ecological crisis, of developments on board, has finally convinced us to come together and act in order to put an end to this industry which has not place of being.
Make our struggle an essential political issue
There followed numerous discussions and research on the subject until arriving at an argument and a list of common demands, which serve as a basis for the development of communication tools and for the organization of various events in order to make our struggle an essential political issue.

The Stop Croisières collective supports these petitions
In Marseille, Respirer kills 2,500 people per year, 7 people per day!

No to cruise ships in La Ciotat Bay