Stop Croisières, XR and ECAN in pursuit of Azamara Quest

The cruise is having fun, we are flowing The ECAN (European Cruise Activist Network) collective and Extinction Rebellion launch this spring a pursuit cruise from Marseille against Azamara Quest, which offers a luxury cruise of 35 days in Europe. The aim of these actions are to denounce the cruise industry, over-tourism and greenhouse gas emissions… Continue reading Stop Croisières, XR and ECAN in pursuit of Azamara Quest

Action during the supervisory board of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille

On November 25, we recalled to the supervisory board of the Grand Maritime Port of Marseille the aberration that are the cruises, with Extinction Rebellion Marseille and Anv-Cop21 Marseille. At 10:40 am, our activists went up on the roof and deployed banners under the eyes of the members of the supervisory board, a decision-making body… Continue reading Action during the supervisory board of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille

Letter of claims at the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille

crédit : Stop Croisières

For the attention of the organs of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille: The Management Board, The supervisory board, The Development Council, Marseille, September 30, Since the 1990s, the cruise industry has benefited from favorable measures to increase the number and size of ships received in Marseille. In this time, the number of passengers has… Continue reading Letter of claims at the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille

European mobilization against mass tourism – September 27 22 – Image gallery

crédit : Stop Croisières

Several cities in southern Europe appeal on the occasion of World Tourism Day. The objective is to denounce the impact and the consequences of the intensification of tourism in this post-pandemic phase given the worsening of the climate and social crisis. This summer, we attended a return of mass tourism which, in some cases, is… Continue reading European mobilization against mass tourism – September 27 22 – Image gallery

European mobilization against mass tourism – September 27 22 – Common manifesto of committed cities

crédit : Stop Croisières

WORLD TOURISM DAY = TOURISM DAY COLLAPSE Our cities, neighborhoods, climate, health, our lives are not for sale #Stopautourismedemasse Several cities in southern Europe appeal on the occasion of World Tourism Day. The objective is to denounce the impact and the consequences of the intensification of tourism in this post-pandemic phase given the worsening of… Continue reading European mobilization against mass tourism – September 27 22 – Common manifesto of committed cities

“Inside Stop Cruises” – Preparation and installation of banners of 09/27/22

crédit : carlogarson

I am not a harmless phenomenon. It often involves the arrival of thousands or millions of people in the same places. It leads to the extension of airports, to the construction of gigantic cruise ships, it causes rents to flame and pushes residents outside the city center, etc. We cannot celebrate a phenomenon that ignores… Continue reading “Inside Stop Cruises” – Preparation and installation of banners of 09/27/22

Round table on cruises – September 24, 2022 – Image gallery

crédit : Stop Croisières

Stop Cruises accepted the invitation to a round table organized by the MP of Bouches-du-Rhône Hendrik Davi to develop avenues for regulatory and legislative developments around cruises at different scales (local, national, European). This public meeting also brought together Manon Aubry and Marina measure, MEP, Hendrik Davi and Manuel Bompard, deputies of the BDR, Laurent… Continue reading Round table on cruises – September 24, 2022 – Image gallery

Camp Climate in Venice – from September 7 to 11, 2022 – logbook

At the invitation of No Grandi Navi, the anti-Croisières fight of Venice, active for 10 years to preserve its lagoon and now all the rest of the harmful consequences of cruises, Stop Cruises went to the Venice Climate Camp, 7 As of September 11, 2022 on the island of Lido. The program was dense. Beyond… Continue reading Camp Climate in Venice – from September 7 to 11, 2022 – logbook

Stop Cruise Everywhere – ECAN#4 in Marseille – March 9-10, 2024

European Cruise Activist Network #4 arrives in Marseille After the construction of the European anti-cruise network in Venice in September 2022, after a new meeting giving birth to the network manifesto in Barcelona in April 2023, then a new Venetian meeting at the Climate Camp in September 2023 On March 9 and 10, 2024, 18… Continue reading Stop Cruise Everywhere – ECAN#4 in Marseille – March 9-10, 2024

Venise Camp II – 8-10 sept 23

For the second time, Stop Cruises received the invitation from our Italian comrades from No Grandi Navi, at Venice Climate Camp. Memories of the previous edition here. A first meeting during the previous edition, in seven 2022, had enabled a large round table on cruises, bringing together in particular Venice struggles of course, but also… Continue reading Venise Camp II – 8-10 sept 23