Against air pollution.
In Marseille and its surroundings, air pollution causes 2,500 premature deaths each year, not counting chronic illnesses and infections (asthma, allergies, deterioration of the immune system, etc.).
We are all affected. Whether we are in good health or not, whether we live in the city, on the outskirts or in the countryside; adults, children, elderly people. In France, nearly 48,000 people die each year.
In Marseille, road, maritime and air traffic, plus industrial activities, produce large quantities of pollutants (substances which contribute in some part to global warming!).
All the inhabitants of Bouches du Rhône suffered from exceeding a health threshold set by the WHO last year!
Faced with this, natural spaces, real mechanisms for cleaning the air, are being razed for real estate, road or other projects…
It’s too much.
We do not accept being the silent victims of economic choices. The numerous struggles pulsating in the metropolis and the surrounding areas are the image of this.