LNG, why is it a false solution?

crédit : transportenvironment.org

Methane at sea: in search of the invisible climate killer Here is the investigation by the NGO Transport & Environment into so-called “green” ships using liquid natural gas (LNG), which reveals that significant quantities of invisible methane are released into the atmosphere. The original article in English can be found on their site here: https://www.transportenvironment.org/discover/methane-finding-the-invisible/… Continue reading LNG, why is it a false solution?

Everything you need to know about the electrification of platforms and the region’s “Zero Smoke Stopovers” plan

crédit : Wonder-of-the-seas-credit-Royal-Caribbean

Context In Marseille, the electrification of the platforms has been requested by citizens for years, and the project has been postponed many times. The Grand Port Maritime de Marseille (GPMM) and certain public authorities are timidly tackling the issue and taking the opportunity to give themselves a green image by not hesitating to spread disinformation…… Continue reading Everything you need to know about the electrification of platforms and the region’s “Zero Smoke Stopovers” plan

Denunciation of the “Wonder of the Seas” – July 12, 2022 – Image gallery

crédit : Stop Croisières

As long as it continues to pollute our coast and poison our inhabitants, we will continue to denounce this floating aberration that is the Wonder of the Seas, currently the largest liner in the world. It is therefore also the most polluting to date, whose construction has the worst carbon footprint, and still the one… Continue reading Denunciation of the “Wonder of the Seas” – July 12, 2022 – Image gallery

Collective complaint: air pollution linked to cruise activity in the port of Marseille

We suggest that you file a COLLECTIVE COMPLAINT AGAINST X., for failure to intervene and endangering the lives of others. Why file a complaint? A serious complaint has the effect of setting Public Action in motion, that is to say that a Prosecutor will take up the file for investigation. Are there any risks for… Continue reading Collective complaint: air pollution linked to cruise activity in the port of Marseille

“Wonder of the Seas” blocking with Extinction Rebellion – June 14, 2022 – Image gallery

crédit : Stop Croisières

EMBODY THE CHANGE YOUWANT TO SEE Cruise ships have imposed themselves on the Marseille territory and its inhabitants, despite their fears and the relay operated by elected officials. Faced with this, the companies, the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and its auxiliaries offered workshops, groupswork, innovations and technical solutions, without the aforementioned problems ever being… Continue reading “Wonder of the Seas” blocking with Extinction Rebellion – June 14, 2022 – Image gallery

Blocking of “Wonder of the Seas” with Extinction Rebellion – June 14, 2022 – Médiactivistes Video

Punch action in Marseille against a giant cruise ship, by Brut.Nature Published on June 15, 2022. 24 activists took action to prevent the largest cruise liner in the world from entering the port of Marseille. Brut was there. By BrutPublished on June 15, 2022 Watch the video on the Brut Youtube channel Extinction Rebellion blocks… Continue reading Blocking of “Wonder of the Seas” with Extinction Rebellion – June 14, 2022 – Médiactivistes Video

Blocking of “Wonder of the Seas” with Extinction Rebellion – June 14, 2022 – Plea for Action

Embody the change we want to see Cruise ships have imposed themselves on the Marseille territory and its inhabitants, despite their fears and the relay operated by elected officials. Faced with this, the companies, the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and its auxiliaries offered workshops, groupswork, innovations and technical solutions, without the aforementioned problems ever… Continue reading Blocking of “Wonder of the Seas” with Extinction Rebellion – June 14, 2022 – Plea for Action

Intercollective demonstration against Air Pollution – June 11, 2022 – Image gallery

Crédit : Callune

Against air pollution. In Marseille and its surroundings, air pollution causes 2,500 premature deaths each year, not counting chronic illnesses and infections (asthma, allergies, deterioration of the immune system, etc.). We are all affected. Whether we are in good health or not, whether we live in the city, on the outskirts or in the countryside;… Continue reading Intercollective demonstration against Air Pollution – June 11, 2022 – Image gallery

June 7, 2023 – Nautical gathering against LNG

LNG = New Greenwashing Avatar from cruise Stop Cruises organized on June 17, 2023 afternoon a nautical rally to alert on the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by cruise ships, fuel representing a real climate -delay bomb. While the high season of cruises begins, we are determined to make the critical voice of the… Continue reading June 7, 2023 – Nautical gathering against LNG

ECAN manifesto – European Cruise Activitst Network

Following the launch of the Ecan movement in Venice on September 10, 2022, a meeting of movements against cruises in the Mediterranean was held on April 15, 2023 in Barcelona. In this context, the participating organizations have decided to agree on a common framework against this tourism industry. The rise of cruise tourism in the… Continue reading ECAN manifesto – European Cruise Activitst Network